• Consideration of design in the circle of cultural and historical problems. Analysis of means and tools that are used to create images during design. Study of transformations that took place in society for a holistic understanding of design features.

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  • The purpose is established that arising from the pragmatic needs of the development of the market of mass consumer goods, design becomes a general cultural factor and changes the world of things and the very way of socio-cultural existence of a person.

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  • Basic stages of Kazakh history: early history, kazanskoe khanate, Kazakhstan, is in a Soviet Union, Republic Kazakhstan. Features and stages of development of culture of republic Kazakhstan. Influence of Russian colonization on culture of Kazakhstan.

    реферат (14,3 K)
  • History of the first mascara ancient egyptians. The invention is first packaged mascara from a mixture of coal and petroleum jelly. Development by Helena Rubinstein water resistant mascara based turpentine. Varieties of modern mascara: waterproof, color.

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  • Study of the peculiarities of the festive culture of Ukrainians in the second half of the XX - XXI century, taking into account the globalization trends taking place in the world. History of appeal to the national calendar, respect for public holidays.

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  • Holidays China: the Feast Of The Dragon, Chinese New Year, the lantern festival, the feast of purity and clarity. Holidays Japan: Setsubun, "Day of green space", the sea festival, Age Day. Holidays Vietnam: Day Wandering souls, Buddha's birthday.

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  • In the United States Americans honor their mothers and grandmothers, on the second Sunday in May. Memorial Day called Decoration Day, is a day to remember those who have died in our nation's service. Holydays in Great Britain. Holidays in Ukraine.

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  • New Year's Day. Washington's Birthday and Easter. Confederate Memorial Day. Independence Day and Labor Day. Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Public life, background, observance, symbols of holiday. Unique or historical celebrations.

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  • Частково оцифрована свідомість і притаманні їй форми споживання мистецтва. Окреслення кола питань, що їх ставить цифрова доба перед мистецтвознавством. Здійснення спроби практичного розв'язання рівняння про координати цифрової культури та її конфігурацію.

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  • The Renaissance - the historical period that proclaimed new values, affirmed a philanthropic system whose starting point was humanism. Baroque - a type of culture that originated in Europe and defining a new stage in the development of civilization.

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  • Comparative analysis of criticisms in initial interactions. Criticisms in Australian and Taiwanese initial interactions. Analysis of formats of criticisms in initial interaction. Sequential and indexical properties of criticisms in initial interactions.

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  • Consideration of tool theater as one of the most unique and most widespread musical genres, famous German avant-gardist K. Stockhausen, widespread in creativity, in the second half of the XX century. Analysis of types of tool theater of Stockhausen.

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  • Searching for new means and methods of justifying the aesthetic and ethical-moral norms as the ground for analysis of the principles and devices of performative techniques in contemporary dance art. Review of contemporary Polish art performances.

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  • Introduction to the Japanese culture: japanese language, visual arts (painting), calligraphy, sculpture, ukiyo-e, ikebana (the Japanese art of flower arrangement), performing arts, Japanese architecture, garden architecture, traditional Japanese clothing.

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  • The outlook study of the Nordic jewellery Hedebyu (Northern Germany) to compare them with jewellery period of Kyiv Russ at the same time (9-11 century). The question of irregional contacts between Scandinavia, Poland and Kyiv Russ in 9-11 century.

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  • Considers activities of artists associated with art movement in the field of theatrical kinetic performances, dimensional counter-relief objects, color light music. Traces parallels between proto-kinetic works of avant-garde and works of kinetic artists.

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  • Reconstruction of the custom of flooding residential and farm buildings with greenery and a new look at its origin and meaning. Lack of ancient ideas about demons in the Ukrainian worldview. Their predominant identification with ancestral spirits.

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  • Розгляд питання походження людства та людської культури. Вивчення основних концепцій культурогенезу: трудової, ігрової та психоаналітичної. Роль праці в процесі перетворення мавпи в людину. Описання моделі психічного життя особистості Зигмундом Фрейдом.

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  • The history of foundation of Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra and its role in development of Old Russian culture. The historical important objects of Lavra: the Holy Gates, the Troitska Church, the Uspenskiy Cathedral, the Bell, the Close and Long distanced Caves.

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  • An idle verse is like a line left without a response rhyme. Analysis of the creative activity of the great fabulists Jean de La Fontaine La Fontaine and Ivan Andreevich Krylov. General characteristics of the fables "La Cour du Lion" and "The Merchant".

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  • The key dimensions of the life trajectories of the immigrant artists living in the Lisbon metropolitan area. A sociological analysis of 20 biographical interviews with a heterogeneous set of individuals, including musicians, dancers and plastic artists.

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  • Biographical aspects of life Leonardo da Vinci – italian painter, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, botanist and writer. A most famous works of the artist. Picture "The Last Supper" is on the wall of a chapel in Milan.

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  • Brief biographical sketch of the life and creativity of the famous Italian artist and scientist of the 15th century Leonardo da Vinci. An overview of some of the most popular pictures taken its place in the world culture and art of the Renaissance.

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  • Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci - an Italian Renaissance polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and writer. Mona Lisa as the most popular artist's picture.

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  • Identify activities in providing online services during forced quarantine on the example of public libraries' activities in Croatia and university libraries in Ukraine. Analyse online services offered by libraries to establish remote customer service.

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  • Research of features of use of linear images in the modern visual environment. The importance of the line in human perception of objects, as well as its use in design and art are substantiated. Trends of linearity in modern visual space are analyzed.

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  • Analysis of the formation of the speech culture of civil servants. Consideration of individual exercises, tasks aimed at mastering the skills to use language tools and to check the degree of their formation. Design of the text as the communicative unit.

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  • Применение модой искусства как источника символических ценностей для создания собственного мифологизированного образа. Рассмотрение интеркультурной апроприации на примере коллаборации французского дома моды Louis Vuitton и японской художницы Яёи Кусамы.

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  • Covers the landscape paintings by Valentyn Zakharchenko, an Odesa-based artist, on the late 20th through the early 21st century, the main features of his individual manner. The process of introduction of the artist’s name into the scientific circulation.

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  • Description of creative activity in the screen arts of the brilliant Ukrainian poet N. Vingranovsky. List of feature films and documentaries made By H. Vingranovsky in Ukrainian film studios. Information about the unfinished film projects of the figure.

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