• Определение назначения и техническое описание NGN как сети связи нового поколения, особенности передачи данных и маршрутизации пакетов сети. Трансформация абонентских устройств и возможности NGN. Проблемы внедрения и изучение архитектуры построения сети.

    курсовая работа (190,1 K)
  • Генетические факторы, вовлеченные в патогенез болезни Паркинсона. Анализ "нейродегенеративных панелей". Верификация отдельных вариантов с помощью секвенирования по Сенгеру. Использование современных технологий полногеномного ассоциативного анализа.

    дипломная работа (130,4 K)
  • Anatomie, physiologie blutversorgung der Niere. Mechanismen der Nierenschдdigung. Kreatinin ist ein Abfallprodukt des Muskelstoffwechsel. Die Niere ist pradestiniert fur toxische. Schadigung der Niere durch Gifte, Medikamente, Myoglobin, Hamoglobin.

    учебное пособие (738,0 K)
  • The analysis of neo-mythological and pantheistic subjects in the works of F. Nietzsche and Knut Hamsun. The analytical comparison of Nietzsche’s philosophical concepts and Hamsun’s literary psychologism is poised to find an understanding of human nature.

    статья (22,4 K)
  • An investigation into the downward trend in global stock markets: a case study of the Nigerian stock market. The history of stock trading and trading associations. Stock markets, market crash, financial crisis in emerging markets and the results.

    статья (24,7 K)
  • The Nigerian government expects to effectively pull 100 million Nigerians out of poverty by 2030. This project is considered in the context of the reports about the ineffectiveness of previous programs and the economic realities of this country.

    статья (29,4 K)
  • Рассмотрение истории возникновения и развития фирмы "Nike", неразрывно связанной с именем Фила Найта. Автор мифа Nike — Фил Найт (Phil Knight). Реклама "Найке" — всегда вызов. Рекламная и спонсорская деятельность. Возникновение названия и логотипа.

    реферат (17,6 K)
  • Study of the cross-media system which is built around Japanese economic newspaper Nikkei. Consideration of the phenomenon of cross-media, the preconditions of its establishment in Japan, and its functioning with complete Nikkei cross-media platform.

    статья (53,7 K)
  • Natural Language Processing as a subfield of computer science and artificial intelligence is concerned with interactions between computers and human languages. The purpose of this paper, is to outline the linguistic and NLP methods for textual processing.

    статья (944,8 K)
  • Adaptation to eugenol and citral by exposure of pathogens to increasing concentrations of essential oils. Determination of antibiotic susceptibility. Evaluation of the effect of eugenol and citral on the adherence ability by the crystal violet assay.

    статья (9,8 K)
  • Вплив циркулюючих імунних комплексів на ультраструктурні особливості клітин. Корекція функціонально-структурних порушень, зумовлених хронічною гіперімунокомплексемією, за допомогою корвітину. Синтез оксиду азоту у тканинах печінки та ендотеліоцитах.

    автореферат (225,9 K)
  • Исследовались особенности осмотической резистентности тромбоцитов, подвергнутых преинкубации с донатором оксида азота (нитропруссидом натрия) в конечной концентрации. Оценивалось изменение количества свободных клеток и агрегатов, их размеров и формы.

    статья (204,5 K)
  • Дослідження активності ензимів окисного шляху метаболізму L-аргініну в лімфоцитах периферичної крові хворих на реактивний артрит. Вивчення кінетичних властивостей NO-синтаз. Оптимальні умови функціонування ендотеліальної та індуцибельної NO-синтаз.

    статья (140,4 K)
  • Political characteristic of Bin Laden as A Saudi Arabian millionaire and a militant Islamic leader in the war to drive the Russians out of Afghanistan. The horrendous terrorist attacks on Tuesday 11.09.2001 like something quite new in world affairs.

    статья (63,0 K)
  • The accuracy and noise immunity of the interpolation method of nonlinear dynamical systems identification based on the Volterra model in the frequency domain. The algorithmic and software toolkit in Matlab is developed for the identification procedure.

    статья (1,6 M)
  • Noise from highway traffic is an environmental problem in both metropolitan and rural areas and has become an element of the tension between economic development an quality of life. Tire and pavement noise generation. Reduced noise pavement principles.

    статья (16,0 K)
  • Технічний розвиток як причина поступового зникнення інструментальних найменувань землеробської й тваринницької галузей. Аналіз іменників зі значенням інструментальності. Особливості функціонування суфікса -ло в іменниках на позначення знарядь дії.

    статья (26,3 K)
  • To determine the detailed nature of language impairments in patients with schizophrenia. Analysis nominal and verbal predicate use produced by schizophrenic patients and control group during their speech as both predicates require different processings.

    статья (959,6 K)
  • Предпринимается попытка системной реконструкции идеи конституционной реформы, предложенной известным экономистом Фридрихом Хайеком. Системный подход позволяет выделить в ней три главных аспекта: теоретический, институциональный и антропологический.

    статья (42,5 K)
  • Analyzed the particularities of distinguishing administrative liability from criminal one violating requirements for subsoil protection. Established that the breach of requirements for subsoil protection involves violating performance of mining activity.

    статья (23,6 K)
  • The procedure for conducting a review of current research on Russia's public sphere. The conceptualization of the concept of a democratic discourse to define variables and indicators and description of the data. Evaluation of the discourse of the media.

    дипломная работа (77,2 K)
  • Considered of the practical experience in organizing and maintaining an appropriate level of non-destructive testing of building structures. Presented of the features of different testing methods. Determine the concrete strength in monolithic structure.

    статья (1,7 M)
  • Equations of motion for nuclear shape variables which establish a direct connection of the memory effects with the dynamic distortion of the Fermi surface. Applying the non-Markovian dynamics to the description of the nuclear giant multipole resonances.

    статья (367,5 K)
  • Apical periodontitis is a disease of root canal infection. The etiology of post-treatment apical periodontitis. Exogenous materials causing foreign body reaction at the periapex. Endogenous substances and foreign body reaction. Biology of cholesterol.

    статья (1,8 M)
  • Specificity of retail market formation in an arbitrary agglomeration in terms of optimal sizes and location retailers would choose. Social welfare analysis of a centralized planning of the retail market. The model of duopoly in the retail market.

    дипломная работа (1,1 M)
  • Ensuring the observance and inviolability of the rights and legitimate interests of business entities. Notarial protection of legal entities. Protection against abuse and illegal actions during certification of local documents of corporate entities.

    статья (20,2 K)
  • It has been indicated that the notarial form of protection of corporate rights is an integral attribute of ensuring the observance and inviolability of the rights. Familiarization with the problems of notarial protection of non-property corporate rights.

    статья (20,6 K)
  • The experience of public administration of the countries of the world with the development of the market for non-standard forms of employment "virtual employment". Determinants of the market of non-standard forms of employment "virtual employment".

    статья (497,5 K)
  • The most popular language teaching methods - whether you're an English or Chinese teacher. New methods, new perspectives. Deep Learning as a condition for active foreign language aquisition. Non-traditional methods. Community language learning (CLL).

    курсовая работа (40,0 K)
  • Analysis of the results of research on various aspects of non-verbal communication. The study of interpersonal behavior and relationships between individuals. Identification of the relationship between emotions and facial expressions in marriageables.

    статья (32,9 K)